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Welcome to Roxanne’s!

You’re on your way to raising funds for your cause through a Roxanne’s Taqueria fundraiser. Roxanne’s Taqueria fundraisers are now in-restaurant and online, with 25% of sales donated directly to your cause (subject to meeting the minimum fundraiser sales as described below).

We partner with many different kinds of organizations for fundraisers. Here are some of our favorites at Roxanne’s Taqueria:

  • K–12 Schools (PTAs/PTOs, STEM Clubs, Senior Prom)

  • University Groups (Intramural Sports, Greek Life, College Radio)

  • Youth Sports Teams (Little League, Soccer, etc.)

  • Libraries and Community Centers

  • Non-Profits (American Cancer Society, Animal Shelters, United Way)

  • Food and Sustainable Agriculture Groups (Future Farmers, Community Gardens, 4-H)

If your request falls into one of these categories (or one similar) and meets the following guidelines, please submit an application through the link below. If your request is approved, we will contact you within 1-2 business days from the date your application is received


We need at least three weeks’ notice in order to schedule your event. This is to give our team time to prepare and you time to promote your fundraiser!


In order for purchases to count towards your fundraiser, your supporters must either a) verbally tell our cashier of their participation, b) show a physical fundraiser flyer, c) show a digital flyer on a smartphone or other mobile device, or d) use your fundraiser’s online ordering code to place an order for pickup through one of Roxanne’s Taqueria online ordering platforms (ChowNow, DoorDash, Uber Eats, GrubHub). Remember, delivery orders or orders placed at a different time than your scheduled event window will not count towards your fundraiser. A $150 minimum event sales amount is required to be eligible to receive any donation of event sales.


One last thing, let’s make sure we’re a good fit for a fundraising partnership! Before submitting an application, please check the list below to make sure you aren’t fundraising for any of the following causes:

  • Individual causes (scholarships, stipends, personal medical expenses)

  • For-profit ventures (your startups, businesses, etc )

  • Religious groups for religious purposes (youth groups or mission trips)

  • Lobbying or political groups (we just want to roll burritos)

  • Individual study, research or travel grants (summer jam band tours)

  • Anything else we just decide isn’t a fit (believe us, we’ve seen a lot)

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Thank you for your inquiry. We’ll be in touch shortly.